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We are a consulting and education company with a focused passion for elder care, specializing in shaping systems and environments where older adults can vibrantly age.


We are a consulting and education company with a focused passion for elder care, specializing in shaping systems and environments where older adults can vibrantly age.

Ready to get started with the rethinking process?

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Hit These 6 Nutrition Targets to Help Your Residents Gain Weight

Hit These 6 Nutrition Targets to Help Your Residents Gain Weight

| Caring for the Older Adults | No Comments
By: Julie Stefanski MEd, RDN, LDN, CDCES Poor appetite is sneaky. It starts with a few leftover bites of food at a meal or several skipped snacks. Before you know…
Two nurses smile standing next to each other #joyintheworkplace

How to Find Joy in the Workplace

| Self Care | No Comments
By Kristen Crusoe RN MN EdD Amidst all of the uncertainty we have regarding returning to work or for many, continuing to work post-Covid 19, one thing is clear: We…
older adult couple sitting on a dock by a lake

Why Advance Directives are Important

| Caring for the Older Adults | No Comments
At nearly every transition in healthcare people are asked if they have advanced directives. Most people don’t have them. A lot of us, put it off because we don’t think…
Multiple colorful medications before being disposed of

Are you disposing of medications properly?

| Uncategorized | No Comments
By Holly Carlson MS, RN, CCRN Water source contamination of prescription medications is a looming threat for the human population. To date, aquatic life found in rivers, streams, and lakes…

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